Sales and Marketing

Sales and Marketing

Due to managements relationships and the Company’s excellent reputation in the industry, Jet Aviation does not require an extensive sales and marketing campaign. Jet Aviation’s sales and marketing orts revolve around relationship-building. Management iS Contnuafty looking for new ways to increase alliances with customers, suppliers, employees, and Investors.

The Company’s has five-prong marketing approach.

  1. Management adapts all of Its marketing materials so that information needs of Its dients are met.
  2. Jet Aviation focuses Its promotional efforts on clients most likely to be Influenced by the Company’s efforts.
  3. Management automates the selling process by making customers, products, and inventory information available in real time to Jet Aviation’s sales staff.
  4. Management is constantly expanding the Company’s product offerings to extend the scope of Its enterprise.
  5. Jet Aviation makes sure aistomers are satisfied with Its products and services.

In light of the airline industry’s revenue contractions, the Internet offers industry participants the opporturwt’y to cut pxdiasing costs, manage supplier relationships, and integrate operations with customers, suppliers and partners, wtildi streamlines logistics and inventory. The Internet also helps readi new and existing customers around the globe more effectively than In the past. Thus, the Internet has hed to sohd.f’,)et Aviation as a premier aircraft parts broker, allowing the Company to easily interact with potential customers. Jet Aviation recelves an estimated 80% of Its product requests through e-mail messages or through inquires from message boards.

Jet Aviation’s e-commerce system lets users process inquires online against a comprehensive database, while allowing dients to review its inventory using highly speafic search parameters. Management strives to offer the quickest turnaround time in the industry. Internet sales help management meet this goal, as the Company’s online inventory is easily accessible to warehouse staff and management.